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International Preacher

International Gospel Preaching

Born Again

Born Again Advice




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Born Again

Born Again is to be born in holy spirit and baptism.It is to be saved by Jesus from sin life like drinking alcohol life to Jesus rightious life like worshipping,praying and praising God

If you have read international gospel preaching and you are ready to born again that is repeant, baptized and be filled with holy spirit in the name of Jesus say and follow the born again prayer having Jesus faith confession and welcome the holy spirit in meaning from heart to reject sin life and welcome Jesus in the heart in your life so that he can reign or rule you

Born Again Prayer

Say, "Lord Jesus I come before you I am a sinner,I repeant I believe that you had crucified for my sins and his curses your blood was shed in order to remove my sins and be peace between me and your father . You have been crucified to give me forgiveness of my sins my lord forgive and remove my sins and his/her curses. You arised from death in order to give me new life free from sins and curses that is your rightious life and blessing Jesus enter into my heart with your God's kingdom and holy spirit give me your rightious life and blessing too. Write my name in heaven, fill with joy of forgiveness of sins and cleanse my sins and curses. Make me the son of God in heaven and give me part of your authority and make me walk with God's power of destroying works of sartan such as demons,desease e.t.c Thank you Jesus for saving me from sins through your blood , through your grace; thank you for the holy spirit, for spiritial gifts, your kingdom and your light ,you make my life to be filled with your joy,peace,love and right. Amen"

Congaturation for born again: If you have prayed this prayer with faith from heart you have been born again. Today is your spiritial birthday in heaven as you entered the earth through birth.You are a little child in heaven who you are not understand many things about the God's kingdom and Jesus heavenly father,commandments of God's kingdom you must keep and obey them so your life can get changes as Jesus lived on earth by serving God without sinning.Fill the form for new born again christian click --->> view form

Now you have been born again, what should you do? click>>>Advice for born again if you have curses such as disease like B.P,deaf,T.B e.t.c or demons you need prayer click --->>>prayer

Free born again book for a new christian click --->>>view the book

                                                       Mark: 16: 14 - 18