
International Preacher

International Gospel Preaching

Born Again

Born Again Advice




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"...Go to whole world to preach gospel.Whoever believe and be baptised will be saved and who not belive will be judged . These signs will follow those believers in his name they will cast out demons,they will speak in toungue,they will lay hands over sick people and sick people will get health, even if they drink poison will not be affected. " (read => mark 16: 14- 18)

  • Have you meditate holy bible scriptures of mark 16 : 14 - 18 as written above that revalate the truth of understanding a real christian believing Jesus arose from death by looking the sins(mark 16 : 14 - 18) in his life when God or Jesus used him a simple example for all when they pray before God.
  • What is your decision for your sin life? if you have decided to change and to live rightious life like of Jesus and you are ready to receive him as an answer for your death,he arose from death after three days of his death crucified for your sins click>>>Born Again.
  • Have you not understood after meditating and you need to understand? click>>>International Gospel preaching

                                                       Mark: 16: 14 - 18